Daily home learning activities are set out below. Please complete as much as you have time for, at the pace of your child and keeping the learning fun. Remember to keep practising phonics and High Frequency Words using the flash cards which you have at home or online using Phonics Play/Education City/Teach Your Monster to Read.
Our whole school topic this week is 'Under the Sea'. There are a selection of activities to choose from on the topic grid.
Any queries, don't hesitate to drop me an email at reception@broadwas.worcs.sch.uk.
This week we are going to be revisiting the ‘long ladder letters’ in handwriting. Watch the short clip on BBC Bitesize and then practise writing these letters. In school we will practise one or two of these letters each day in our handwriting books.
Today we are re-reading ‘Dear Zoo’, a story we know very well! After talking about the animals, draw a picture of your perfect pet. I wonder what your perfect pet will be? Write a sentence to describe it.
In Maths, you are going to use coins to buy Emoji key rings. You will need a selection of coins, or you can print and cut out the coins on the resource sheet. Keep playing until all the key rings have been bought.
In Literacy today, we are reading a story called 'Teddy’s Lists'. Teddy makes a lot of lists! Pretend you are going to have a party. Who would you like to invite? Complete the invitation to your pretend party.
In Maths today, use the 100 square and practise counting to 100 in ones. You will need to print or make the first two pages of the arrow cards resource; the tens and ones. Use the arrow cards to create a selection of two digit numbers and then partition them into tens and ones, so for example 54 becomes 50 and 4, 39 is 30 and 9. Be sure to practise partitioning the tricky teen numbers too!
Today we will be thinking about shopping lists… Can you write a food shopping list? Complete the activity sheet. I wonder if you will put all your favourite foods on your shopping list? Perhaps you could add a price (less than £1) and use your shopping list in our Maths activity today?
Using the arrow cards from yesterday’s Maths lesson, today we will be linking the tens and ones in two-digit numbers with ten pence and one pence pieces. This will be a practical session and you will need nine 10ps and nine 1ps. Create a two-digit number with the arrow cards and partition it, as you did yesterday. Count out the corresponding number of ten pence and one pence pieces.
At 11am, the Duchess of Cambridge will lead an online assembly where she will speak about the importance of mental wellbeing among children. The theme of the Duchess’ assembly is ‘spread a little kindness’.
This week our whole school topic is ‘Under the Sea’. Can you make a list of creatures that live in the sea?
Our Maths game today is called ‘Five’s a Winner’. The work you have done on partitioning will help you make the amounts on the cards. Use the cards to 10p, 20p or all, as appropriate. Have fun!