Welcome to Week 4 of the Summer Term... I hope you have all had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend!
Daily activities for this week are outlined below. As always, please do not feel you have to complete all the activities, every day. Do as much as is manageable for you and your child. Work at their pace and give plenty of praise. Wednesday's activities include a nature walk. At the moment the weather looks fine for Wednesday but do make this part of your daily exercise and complete it whenever it is convenient for you.
In Literacy today, a grown up will read 'Wakey Wakey' to you. It is a story all about animals who are waking up after their long winter sleep... You will be talking about the season of Spring and thinking about the signs of Spring. It is a little late to see daffodils and tulips, but I am sure you will be able to hear the birds singing if you stand quietly by an open window, or in your garden. Can you practise saying the seasons in order; Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter...
In Maths, you will be estimating and counting. Remember to estimate before you count the objects inside your shoe each time. The matchbox challenge could be fun! You do not have to use a matchbox, any small pot (or even a plastic milk carton top) will do. You will need to warm up your 'Funky Fingers' to pick up the tiny objects carefully!
Our whole school 'Famous for more than Five Minutes' topic this week focuses on Pablo Picasso, an artist. Can you find out three facts about him today? Try to learn these facts during the week ahead.
You are going to read 'Wakey Wakey' again in Literacy. Can you join in with some of the words? I know you are very good at recognising exclamation marks. Can you spot them in the story? The animals are very hungry when they wake up... I wonder what you would choose to eat for breakfast after a long night's sleep?
In Maths today, you are going to be measuring. After you have been measured, can you measure your grown-up? Can you measure other things around your house today? You will need to use the words long, longer, longest and short, shorter, shortest when talking about what you have found out. Remember, if you are measuring with a ruler, you must start one end of the object at zero.
Are you ready to start a collage in the style of Picasso today. You could find a picture of a face from a magazine or newspaper and then cut out features from other face pictures to add to it.
Today I would like you to go on a nature walk with a grown-up. You might like to take the 'Five Senses Scavenger Hunt' sheet with you and see if you can spot something to draw and label in each box. Can you ask a grown-up to help you find a few small flowers and leaves to press? You will need to put them between absorbant paper and under a pile of heavy books. Leave them for a few days. Remember they will be very delicate when you lift them off. Can you make a picture with your pressed flowers?
In Maths, after estimating and counting, you are going to be investigating how many spoons fill a cone.
Carry on with your collage or other activity from the Topic Grid. Could you play the 'Roll a Picasso' game with your family?
In Literacy today, you are going to start a weather diary. Re-read 'Wakey Wakey' and think about all the different types of weather mentioned. Can you write a short sentence to describe the weather today?
In Maths, visit the BBC Bitesize Home Learning site. Can you complete the activities in Bud's Number Garden? The link can be found below. How many levels can you complete? You can use your number line to help you.
Select another activity from the topic grid, or continue working on your collage. I know that everyone has enoyed exploring colour-mixing in Reception!
Please continue to keep your weather diary today and over the weekend if you can. Write a sentence and draw a picture of the weather today.
Can you explore capacity by taking a washing up bowl or bucket of water outside, along with some containers of different sizes and/or empty bottles? How many beakers do you think the bottle of water will fill? Pour it out and see how close your estimate was. How many cups will it take to fill the bowl? Have fun investigating!
Today we are going to watch an Oak National lesson all about germs. You can find the link below. Mrs Garrard will read a story called 'Germs Are Not for Sharing' and show you how to wash your hands properly. This is especially important to keep ourselves safe at the moment.
Finish off your topic work. Remeber to share a photo on Tapestry!