At Broadwas Primary, pupils are encouraged to ‘live our values every day’, and they certainly do. Pupils throughout the school consistently model these values, including love, friendship, respect and joy. Positive relationships between adults and pupils mean that pupils learn in a calm environment. Staff support pupils who need extra help to manage their behaviour extremely well. This minimises any disruption to learning. Pupils’ enjoyment of school shines through. Older pupils take on responsibilities such as sports ambassadors and book buddies in order to help younger pupils to learn and have fun. Pupils know that all staff will keep them safe, and they readily share any concerns they may have. Pupils also learn how to keep themselves safe. This helps them to understand what bullying is and is not. They know what to do if bullying happens, and they are rightly confident that staff will deal with any problems if they happen. All staff are committed to ensuring that pupils achieve highly academically. Improvements to the curriculum over the last year have enabled pupils to do this. Pupils’ confidence and social skills are also developed extremely well through activities such as outdoor adventurous activities, residential visits and carol singing in the local community.
‘Outcomes for children in the early years are good as a result of high expectations and a rich indoor learning environment.’
‘Pupils currently in the school are making good progress as a result of carefully planned activities that enable them to do well. Teachers plan appropriately challenging work for most-able pupils to ensure that they do as well as they can.’
‘Pupils’ standards in reading, writing and mathematics are above average in key stages 1 and 2. Pupils have made good progress from their different starting points.’
Pupils behave well. They are articulate and confident. Older pupils thrive on taking on additional responsibilities, including supporting younger ones with their work.’
‘Leaders promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development very well. The school’s core values underpin the whole life of the school.’
At Broadwas CE VA School we are extremely proud of the consistent high attainment of all our pupils, both in terms of academic outcomes and in the progress made over time. Our dedicated staff team are committed to supporting the progress of all learners, whatever their background or abilities. Rigorous internal assessment and tracking systems monitor all our year groups to ensure the progress of individual pupils. To meet the needs of our pupils we run interventions across the school for different groups of children, to ensure personalised learning and support, wherever it is needed. A good working relationship with our local Cluster Schools also supports our monitoring and assessment, a rich and broad curriculum and an established transition onward when our children move onto High School.
Performance Data Summary 2021-24
Early Years
EYFS | LA (2024) | National (2024) | School (2022) | School (2023) | School (2024) |
GLD | 69% | 67% | 67% | 64% | 82% |
Key Stage 1
KS1 | LA (2024) | National (2024) | School (2022) | School (2023) moderated | School (2024) |
Reading | 71% (19%) | 60% (20%) | 60% (13%) | 63% (50%) | |
Writing | 62% (8%) | 60% (20%) | 60% (13%) | 63% (25%) | |
Maths | 71% (16%) | 50% (30%) | 60% (40%) | 50% (25%) | |
Combined | 50% (20%) | 60% (7%) | 38% (13%) |
Key Stage 1 Phonics
Phonics | LA (2024) | National (2024) | School (2022) | School (2023) | School (2024) |
Year 1 | 83% | 79% | 67% | 57% | 70% |
Year 2 | 90% | 0% | 67% | 100% |
Key Stage 2
KS2 | LA (2024) | National (2024) | School (2022) LA moderated | School (2023) | School (2024) |
Reading | 73% | 74% (28%) | 73% (20%) | 79% (64%) | 88% (31%) |
Writing | 70% | 72% (13%) | 87% (20%) | 86% (29%) | 81% (31%) |
GPS | 72% (30%) | 80% (20%) | 79% (36%) | 81% (25%) | |
Maths | 72% | 73% (19%) | 68% (27%) | 71% (14%) | 81% (31%) |
Combined | 58% | 61% | 60% (13%) | 71% (7%) | 75% (19%) |
EYFS | LA (2023) | National (2023) | School (2021) | School (2022) | School (2023) |
GLD | 68% | 67% | 58% (possible 92%) | 67% | 64% |
KS1 | LA (2023) | National (2023) | School (2021) | School (2022) | School (2023) LA moderated |
Reading | 69% | 68% (20%) | 73% (27%) | 60% (20%) | 60% (13%) |
Writing | 62% | 59% (7%) | 73% (18%) | 60% (20%) | 60% (13%) |
Maths | 71% | 73% (27%) | 82% (36%) | 50% (30%) | 60% (40%) |
Combined | 54% | 73% (18%) | 50% (20%) | 60% (7%) |
Phonics | LA (2023) | National (2023) | School (2021) | School (2022) | School (2023) |
Year 1 | 79% | 79% | 70% | 67% | 57% |
KS2 | LA (2023) | National (2023) | School (2021) | School (2022) LA moderated | School (2023) |
Reading | 70% | 74% (28%) | 100% (40%) | 73% (20%) | 79% (64%) |
Writing | 70% | 69% (13%) | 90% (30%) | 87% (20%) | 86% (29%) |
GPS | 72% (28%) | 90% (20%) | 80% (20%) | 79% (36%) | |
Maths | 70% | 71% (22%) | 90% (30%) | 68% (27%) | 71% (14%) |
Combined | 59% | 59% (7%) | 90% (10%) | 60% (13%) | 71% (7%) |
Performance Data 2022
Early Years
EYFS | School | LA | National | School (2022) |
GLD | 67% | 72% | 72% | 71% |
Key Stage 1
KS1 | School | LA | National | School (2022) |
Reading | 75% (58%) | 75% (26%) | 75% (25%) | 60% (20%) |
Writing | 67% (25%) | 69% (15%) | 69% (15%) | 60% (20%) |
Maths | 83% (42%) | 76% (22%) | 76% (22%) | 50% (30%) |
Combined | 67% (25%) | 65% (12%) | 65% (11%) | 50% (20%) |
Key Stage 2
KS2 | School | LA | National | School (2022) |
Reading | 81% (18%) | 72% (26%) | 73% (27%) | 73% (20%) |
Writing | 81% (18%) | ? % | 78% (20%) | 87% (20%) |
GPS | 64% (27%) | 75% (31%) | 78% (36%) | 80% (20%) |
Maths | 73% (9%) | 77% (23%) | 79% (27%) | 68% (27%) |
Combined | 67% (25%) | 62% (8%) | 65% (10%) | 60% (13%) |
Key Stage 2 Performance Data 2019
Subject |
Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: school |
Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: nationally[1] |
Average scaled score: school[2] |
Average scaled score: nationally[3]
English reading |
81% |
73% |
103 |
104 |
English grammar, punctuation and spelling |
64% |
78% |
103 |
106 |
Mathematics |
73% |
79% |
104 |
105 |
English writing (teacher assessment) |
81% |
78% |
N/A |
N/A |
Science (teacher assessment) |
73% |
82% (2018 data)[4] |
N/A |
N/A |
73% of pupils reached the expected standard in all of reading, writing and maths, compared with 65% of pupils nationally.
Percentage of pupils achieving higher standard at the end of Key Stage 2 in 2019 |
Subject |
Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard: school |
Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard: national |
Progress Measures from KS1 to KS2 |
Reading | 18% | 27% | - 0.9 (average) |
Writing | 18% | 20% | - 0.87 (average) |
Maths | 9% | 27% | - 0.17 (average) |
When comparing schools, parents should consider that differences may not be significant if you’re looking at a small year group.
For example, in a group of 10 pupils, 1 pupil would represent 10% and in a group of 30 pupils, 1 pupil would represent 3%.
Small schools may see a lot of variation in their results over time due to the effect that 1 or 2 pupils’ results can have on the school average. [1]
The Year Six cohort at Broadwas Primary School included 11 pupils in 2019.
Key Stage 2 Performance Data 2018
A summary of KS2 results is shown below. For more detailed information please click below.
Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: school |
Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: nationally |
Average Scaled score: school |
Average Scaled score: nationally |
English reading |
83% |
75% |
104 |
105 |
English grammar, punctuation and spelling |
67% |
78% |
103 |
106 |
Mathematics |
67% |
76% |
101 |
104 |
English writing (teacher assessment) |
89% |
78% |
N/A |
N/A |
Science (teacher assessment) |
94% |
82% (2017 data) |
N/A |
N/A |
56% of pupils reached the expected standard in all of reading, writing and maths, compared with 65% of pupils nationally.
Subject |
Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard: school |
Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard: nationally |
Reading | 11% | 28% |
Writing | 17% | 20% |
Maths | 0% | 24% |
As a Primary School our attainment can be compared against national attainment at the end of Reception, in Year 1 for Phonics, Year 2 with end of KS1 assessment, and again in Year 6 with national assessments.
At the end of KS1:
Subject |
Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: school |
Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: nationally |
Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard: school |
Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard: nationally |
Reading | 100% | 76% | 44% | 25% |
Writing | 100% | 68% | 33% | 15% |
Maths | 100% | 75% | 33% | 21% |
At the end of KS2:
Subject |
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: school |
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard: nationally |
Percentage of pupils achieving higher standard: school |
Percentage of pupils achieving higher standard: nationally |
Reading | 82% | 71% | 9% | 25% |
Writing | 82% | 76% | 36% | 18% |
Maths | 73% | 75% | 18% | 23% |
English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling |
82% | 77% | 27% | 31% |
In Reading, Writing and Maths combined 73% were at or above the expected standard, compared to 61% nationally.
We could not do this without our wonderful school team, thank you everyone.