
Broadwas C of E Primary SchoolLiving Our Values Every Day

Year 5 & 6

Physical Computing in Year 5 and 6 Autumn 2024

We have been working hard in Year 5 and 6 developing our knowledge of Crumble Kits. We have designed our own models regarding World War 2, made the models from reclaimed materials, fitted in our physical computing elements (including motors and lights), programmed our microcontrollers and then tested them out! 

Please have a look at all the models below showing off our Creativity, one of our key school values! 

Year 5 and 6 -  2023 - 2024

Welcome to our Class Page.

Our class teacher is Mrs Waller and our Teaching Support is Mrs Langbridge.

We love our school: we work hard and enjoy all of our opportunities.

This year we are looking forward to many things: making new friends; learning new skills and knowledge; going on trips; our Y6 Residential and our Summer Production. We look forward to sharing our work and photographs on our Class Page.

Thank you for reading.

Our Wonderful Class 2023 to 2024

Year 5 and 6 Residential at Malvern Boundless Outdoor Centre.

Monday 17th June - Wednesday 19th June 2024


Monday 17th June 2024

We love our dormitories, we made our beds all on our own.

Enjoying our lunch before our activities.

This afternoon we tackled the Zip Wire, the Adventure Climb and Archery. The Zip Wire was very high, the Adventure Climb was very wobbly and challenging and the Archery was amazing.

Hot drinks, cake, biscuits and card games.

Tuesday 18th June 

Breakfast: lots of lovely food to eat this morning. Then we made our sandwiches ready for lunchtime.

This morning’s activities were King Swing and Crate Stacking.

This afternoon we climbed a 9 meter Quad Pole. We then managed to get 4 people on the top of the pole and hung on to each other. It was very high, wobbly and scary, but we managed it.

We also completed the Night Line activities. We partnered up with a friend and then one of us was blindfolded. We then had to lead our friend around a course. We had to trust our friend to guide us safely round. Afterwards we made our way around a pitch black maze of underground tunnels which was so much fun.

Summer 2 - Curriculum Letter

Summer 2- Knowledge Organiser - Geography - Biomes

Summer 2 - Knowledge Organiser - Science - Scientists and Inventors

Summer 1 - Curriculum Letter

Summer 1 - Knowledge Organiser - History - The Victorians

Summer 1 - Knowledge Organiser - Science - Properties and Changes in Materials

Spring Term

The Worcester Buoys: After successfully rowing 3,000 miles across the Atlantic, Matt and George visited our school to share tales of their adventures. We proudly presented them with £500 - the money we raised from our Christmas Fayre.

Spring 2 Curriculum Letter

Spring 2 - History - The Maya Civilisation - Knowledge Organiser

Spring 2 - Science - Living Things and their Habitats - Knowledge Organiser

Happy New Year to you all!

We cannot believe it is January 2024 but we are all looking forward to an exciting term, full of new learning; new opportunities and continued health and happiness.

This term we will be learning about South America in Geography; Forces in Science and The Muslim Faith in RE.

Read through our Knowledge Organisers and learn more about our topics this term.

Spring 1 - Curriculum Letter

Spring 1 - Geography - South America

Spring 1 - RE - What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?

Y5/6 Christmas Fayre


On Tuesday 19th December, our class organised and held a Christmas Fayre to raise money for Acorns Children's Hospice. We are helping our former pupil, Matthew Bladen, raise money for this worthwhile charity.

He is rowing across the Atlantic Ocean during the Christmas period - 3000 miles in 30 days.


We had great fun running the tombola; a raffle; Guess How Many Chocolates in a Jar; Guess the Name of the Teddy; Lucky Dip; Cake Stall; Home-Made Decorations etc.

All the parents and children who came had lots of fun. 

We will let you know how much we raised as soon as possible.


Show Off Afternoon


On Friday 15th December 2023, we showed our families the work which we have learned about this half term. 

We showed off our English books and all the writing we have completed on Ancient Greek Myths; our history books and art work linked to Ancient Greece; our 2D and 3D Greek pots and scary Medusa Masks.

We loved showing our families all the work which we have done that we are very proud of.


Greek Pots


As part of our history work on Ancient Greek, we have learned about the importance of pots. They had many different uses and they were painted with pictures and images of The Olympic Games; Everyday Lives; Greek Myths and War. 

We drew 2D pots and designed and made 3D clay pots, which we then painted.

Autumn 2 - Curriculum Letter

Autumn 2 - History - Ancient Greece

Autumn 2 - Knowledge Organiser - Science - Animals Including Humans

Autumn 1 - Curriculum Letter

Autumn 1 - Knowledge Organiser - Geography - Greece

Autumn 1 - Knowledge Organiser - Science - Light

Year 5 and 6 Archery Lesson - September 2023

Year 5 and 6:    2022 - 2023

This year our teachers are Mrs Waller (who teaches Wednesday - Friday) and Mrs Benton (who teaches Monday and Tuesday).

We also have  Mrs Langbridge and Mrs Robinson who help us in class. 

We are looking forward to learning more in lessons; seeing our friends; making new friendships and enjoying our school life. We hope you enjoy reading about what we do and looking at the photographs. 

Our Year 6

Our Year 5

Tag Rugby Intra House Tournament

Monday 27th March 2023

The Year 5 and 6 children took part in an Intra-House Tag Rugby Tournament. They have been developing their Tag Rugby skills this half term and demonstrated these extremely successfully.