
Broadwas C of E Primary SchoolLiving Our Values Every Day

Whole School Page

Lacrosse arrives at Broadwas

This half term we have been visited by Kerry Dinsdale who supported the children with their Lacrosse development. All the children in Year 3 and 4 and in Year 5 and 6 developed their basic skills and sampled playing simple games of Lacrosse. This is now definitely a sport we will be developing in the future and all the children had great fun! 

NSPCC at Broadwas CE Primary

As part of our Safeguarding support in school we always look forward to the visit of the NSPCC and Buddy. This year the children in Year 2 and in Year 5 and 6 had a workshop form the team on how to support themselves and look out for signs of abuse. 

The children all loved the visit of Buddy and learnt a great deal from the session. Thanks to the NSPCC and their team! 

Worcester Cathedral in Broadwas

This term we have been pleased to welcome back Mr Nick Freestone to Broadwas CE Primary School. He is an inspirational choir master who always delivers training for our children in an engaging and fun way. We are looking forward to you returning next year and helping us to continue to develop our choir! 

Plastic Recycling at Broadwas

This term we are pleased to announce we are recycling plastic in school. The children in the current Year 6 studied the topic last term and wrote to our Governors for the permission to buy more recycling bins. We are pleased to announce this has been granted and with the help of Malvern County Council we will also have plastic recycling bags in each classroom. 

A big thanks to our Year 6 Eco Ambassadors who have helped develop our project this year! 

Worcestershire Cricket Coaching at Broadwas

During the Summer Term we will be joined by Worcestershire County Cricket Club who will be delivering cricket coaching to all the children in school. All the children will play fun, exciting games with the aim of developing their batting, bowling and fielding skills at their own specific age range. 

Nick will also join us after school to provide cricket coaching for children in Key Stage 2. We hope all the children will enjoy the opportunity! 

Easter Service 2024

Thanks to all the children, teachers and parents for our Easter Eucharist service. The children delivered a wonderful service that met the tone of the event beautifully. Thanks to Mrs Northover and all of the staff who organised a lovely, poigant service. We hope you all have a great Easter break! 

PTFA Easter Bake Sale 2024

We had a wonderful cake sale this year thanks to the PTFA. A big thank you to all of the children and parents  who sent in the entries. The House Captains loved the 'tasting challenge' and came up with some great winners! Well done to all of those children and thank you for all of those members of the community who bought a slice of cake. 

Thanks again to the PTFA for organising such a great event! 


Egg Rolling 2024

We all enjoyed our Easter tradition of egg rolling again this year. All the school brought their hard boiled eggs and we took part in the competition of rolling them as far as they naturally would go! Congratulations to our winners, one of which rolled all the way from the top of the playground to the bottom, an amazing achievement!

It is an amazing way to bring the whole school together and have some great Easter fun! 

Sporting Dreams - Tennis

This week we welcomed back Darren from Sporting Dreams to deliver a tennis coaching session to the children. All the children worked hard on their basic tennis skills and developed their work into a fantastic mini game of tennis. 

We now look forward to seeing the different activities Darren may bring back in the new academic year! 

World Book Day 2024

The children all took a full part in our World Book Day celebrations this year. We had some wonderful costumes and the children always enjoy their time in school when they in their role play clothes! The Librarians looked after the 'Book Swap' very well and I know the children took many books home to read on the day. 

Thanks to Miss Hiley for all the hard work and we are already looking forward to next year!  

Mothering Sunday 2024

The children from Reception led a wonderful Mothering Sunday service on Friday. The children were so brave, spoke clearly and sang some wonderful songs. The children's artwork was amazing and I know there were a lot of mums who will treasure those pictures for a long time to come! 

Thanks to Mrs Smith and the Reception team for all their hard work and to Rev Anne for joining our celebration! 


RGS Language Morning 2024

The children in Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a trip to RGS Worcester where they took part in a Language morning. The children got to experience many different languages and taste a lot of the different flavours from the countries! Thanks to RGS and we are now looking forward to explore more of the German language when we return to school! 

Project Touchline 

We are being joined by Chris from Project Touchline over the next 6 weeks. He is a minister who is helping the school embed our Christian Values via a morning worship, teaching rugby to all classes and delivering prayer clubs in the school. 

Thanks to Chris for all his dedication and we look forward to seeing the video of his journey with us at the start of the Summer term. 


Mr Dennis 

Working with our Community

Many thanks to PC Jon Hand who has been supporting the school with the parking in Berryfields carpark. It remains one of the essential roles of our school to keep the children safe when they arrive and leave school. Parking in the bays and ensuring that all children reach the school gates safely are two of the many ways we can work together as a community and ensure all of our children are safe in school ready to learn. I thank you and PC Jon for your support. 


Mr Dennis 

Internet Safety Day 2024

The children loved the week exploring how to stay safe online. We have focused this year on how we can mange change online. The children led our assembly on the day and then took part in lessons across the school. The children loved the quiz and shared some great knowledge on how to stay safe online and who they can trust if things change for the worst! 

Thanks to the ICT Ambassadors for all of their help! 

Sporting Dreams - Kurling

The children all took part in some 'Kurling' this week. They all enjoyed the challenge of trying to reach the target and be able to knock each others stones out of place! This was a brilliant opportunity to enjoy a new sport and we look forward to getting our own Kurling kit out and playing our own little tournament!

Thanks to Darren from Sporting Dreams for the workshop!  

Christmas 2023 at Broadwas CE Primary School

The children at Broadwas CE Primary School have had a great time over the Christmas period. We have taken part in Christmas trips such as Smart Trees and The Swan Theatre, Christmas parties, Christmas dinner and our wonderful Christmas Carol Service. 

I hope you enjoy the selection of photos that are displayed below and we wish you all a very happy Christmas! 

Nativity 2023 - Prickly Hay

What an amazing pair of performances from the children in Reception and Year 1 and 2 with this years Nativity performance. The children all sang, spoke and danced so confidently on stage and told the story of Christmas in a fun and exciting way. Thanks to all the teachers for an amazing performance and well done to all the children who have grown and flourished in front of our eyes! 

Dance Festival Year 3 and 4

On Wednesday the children in Year 3 and 4 took part in the annual Dance Festival at The Chantry. All the children took part in a Pom Dance and also a Rock n Roll Christmas Dance. They learnt lots of new techniques, worked on their fitness and had lots of fun! 


Smart Trees 2023

The children in Reception went on their visit to Smart Trees this week. All the children loved the experience and all came back very excited but also very tired! They loved the tractor ride, the adventure park and also meeting Father Christmas himself! 

Children in Need at Broadwas 2023

We have had a great time celebrating Pudsey in school. It was amazing to see him arrive at Broadwas and share all of his wisdom about Children in Need with the help of his assistants from BBC Hereford and Worcester. We had a great spotty and colourful day on Friday and raised £97 for Pudsey! Thank you everyone! 

Remembrance Service 2023

The children of Broadwas CE Primary School paid tribute to those who laid down their lives for us by taking part in the Remembrance Service at St Mary Magdalene Church. Our House Captains laid the wreath on behalf of the school and read poems and prayers. Thank you to the children and families for helping the school. 

Glow Dodgeball 2023

The Sporting Dream guys joined the school this half term to develop a new game for us all. Glow Dodgeball was a fantastic experience where the children learnt a new version of a wonderful game! We all had a great deal of fun and cannot wait for Sporting Dreams to come back! 

Harvest Festival 2023

We have enjoyed developing and creating our Harvest Festival this year. We have focused on sustainability and climate change and how God's love can help us all look after the world that he has created for us. Well done to all the children and staff for creating such a wonderful service! 

iSing Pop 2023

Wow, what a wonderful week we have spent with the team from iSing Pop. We all loved learning the new songs and dances and the children all performed a wonderful concert at St Mary Magdalene Church for our parents and carers. A real spirit of community and joy appeared in the church and we cannot wait to welcome you all back! A classic way of displaying our vision! 

Godly Play 2023

This week we were joined by the team from St Mary Magdalen church to develop our Godly Play. We all focused on a very creative and enjoyable day investigating the story of Creation! Thanks to the team for a great session and we all look forward to seeing you soon again! 

McMillan Coffee Morning 2023

As a school we always enjoy McMillan Coffee Morning even though we celebrate the day in the afternoon! Today we took a great deal of cakes home for the weekend and raised over £110 for the charity who do so much good work. Thanks you to everyone for the contributions of the cakes and the donations! 

European Day of Languages 2023

We have explored many different European countries this week. We have looked at maps, food, clothing, cultures and languages and the children have learnt a great deal about our close neighbours! 

Get Safe Theatre Performance 2023

This week the children from Year 5 and 6 took part in a wonderful performance at The Swan theatre. The issues of child exploitation, County Lines and gangs were all covered in a very clever and thoughtful manner. Thanks to the Get Safe team for teaching us all a great deal! 

Robin Arrows 2023

The school have again been joined by Sporting Dreams this week who have given all the classes a lesson in archery! The children all took part on the playground and developed a love for a new sport. We had some real stars today and maybe given a love of archery to a future Olympic Champion! 


School Year 2023-24

Values Art Project 2023

As a school we have been working hard on developing our values for the school. We sent out a link to all stakeholders to vote on the new values for 2023-24 and we were delighted with the response from all involved.

The children worked together on their voting with Key Stage 1 being supported by Key Stage 2. 

Once the results were revealed we were then able to develop our art project with the support of Ellen Yates (with funding provided by the Alfrick and Lulsley Community Fund) who came into school and worked with each year group on developing a values board for each pf our 6 values! 

We cannot wait to share the finished work and also thank the community team from Alfrick and Lulsley! Thanks go to Mrs Northover for organising the project! 

Year 5 and 6 'Willy Wonka Performance 2023'

What a performance by the children in Year 5 and 6. On two nights the audience were taken to Willie Wonka's chocolate factory by the magic of drama, performance, singing and a little dancing! I know we at school were all very proud of you all and being part of the audience, I know all of your parents and carers loved it too! 

A massive thanks to Mrs Waller and the Year 5 and 6 team for all their wonderful work in writing and creating such a brilliant show!  

Bellboating 2023

The children in Year 5 and 6 loved another day on the river with the support of Andy Train! They all took part in building their team work skills, supporting one another and developing their fitness. Also, they picked up a few boating skills too! Thanks to Mrs Benton and Mrs Waller for organising the event, all the children had a great time! 

Malvern Residential Year 6 2023

Here are a selection of photos from the Residential Trip to Malvern Outdoor Centre. The children who attended the trip were magnificent! They summed up exactly how we would like our children to flourish in our school. They displayed all of our values: love, friendship, truthfulness, creativity, perseverance, joy and ?. We could not be more proud of them! 

Thanks also go out to Mrs Champken, Mrs Langbridge and Mrs Waller for all the hard work on the trip! 

Wonderful Wildlife at Broadwas


We are delighted to announce that the bird boxes we placed in school last year are now in use. An ‘eagle eyed’ pupil this week has spotted some very busy Blue Tits popping in and out of the bird box. Many thanks to Ibby Styles from Year 3 who brought it to our attention. Ibby and the rest of the school will keep an eye on the situation over the next few weeks and we will update you if we have any news!

Cross Country at The Chantry

On Thursday, children from Key Stage two entered the Cross Country event at the Chantry. Each child showed huge amounts of perseverance and every single one of them gave it their all.  They should exceptionally proud of themselves! Results will be announced by the Chantry next week. 

The King’s Coronation Big Lunch!

A big thanks to the PTFA and Mark Smith for all the hard work in donating the Coronation badges to the school and selling all the refreshments on our special day! Thanks to all the children, parents and staff for making it a wonderful afternoon!

Tiny Olympics 2023

Reception had a fantastic visit to The Chantry this week when they participated in a ‘Tiny Olympics’ alongside Reception children from our cluster schools. The children behaved beautifully and were a credit to our school. Their highlights included the mini-trampoline and crash mat station, beanbag throwing and traveling in the minibus!

Godly Play at Broadwas

On Wednesday the children all took part in Godly Play. The children listened to the story of the feeding of the five thousand and then recreated the account in a medium of their choice. Thanks go to Claire and Abbie who said the children were all ‘fantastic’! Also, a big thanks to Mrs Northover for the organisation of the event.

Egg Rolling 2023

Once again Broadwas ended the term with a wonderful egg rolling competition which is a firm part of our traditions here at school. The children all took part and tried their best to get their eggs to roll the furthest over our playground. Despite some 'interesting' weather conditions we all managed to roll our eggs! Big congratulations to the winners who I know will be eating, not rolling, their prizes! 

Gymnastics FLICs Experience

The children from Year 5 and 6 went to FLICs gymnasium in Worcester for a gymnastics workshop. The children all loved the experience and we hope we may have found some gym stars of the future! Thanks to Mrs Waller and Mrs Benton for the organisation behind the project. 

Eggstravaganza - STEM competition at RGS Worcester

Four of our children from Year 5 took part in a science and engineering project at RGS Worcester. The challenge was to design and build a bridge out of paper straws that would be able to span two tables and hold a weight. The children were amazing and created a bridge that held nearly three of the weights. They were the first group of children from the school to win the competition! We are so proud of the children and cannot wait to see them test out the programmable robot prize at The Grange later in the Summer Term. 

Dance Festival Key Stage 2

The Dance Club went into full swing this week entering into a local dance competition. Leah and Mrs Waller took the girls into Worcester and they had a wonderful time performing to all of the other entries in the competition. Our girls were especially brave starting the whole competition off. We also got to enjoy their performance back at school during Celebration Assembly. A massive well done to all the children who took part and to Leanne and Mrs Waller for all of the hard work! 


World Book Day 2023

The children in school all took part in celebrating all things wonderful about books. Many of our children dressed up as their favourite book characters and displayed their costumes proudly around school. We also had some wonderful entries into the 'Potato Book Character' competition with some amazing designs. Please enjoy the selection of photos below. We are already looking forward to next year! 

Comic Relief 2023

We all got into the Comic Relief spirit today by dressing up in some clothes that made us all feel very happy! All the children loved the day and I wanted to thank all the parents and staff who also contributed to our Comic Relief appeal. I know there were also some great (and not so great) jokes told all over the school! Well done Broadwas! 

Mothering Sunday 2023 

This week we celebrated all of our Mother's in school with a special Mother's Day assembly. The children in Reception led the service. They spoke so confidently for their age and displayed some beautiful art work! All the school sang some wonderful hymns and songs and made many mums very happy indeed! Well done Reception!  

Syria and Turkey Earthquake Appeal March 2023

We are very proud of two of our Year 6 children. They have independently created a wonderful school raffle in order to help the victims of the recent disaster in Syria and Turkey. The children organised raffle prizes and sold tickets before and after school. The children achieved over £130 for the named charity, made some children very happy and a staff team very proud! 

Mini Olympics at The Chantry 2023

A group of children from Year 1 and Year 2 took part in a Mini Olympics with 7 other schools at The Chantry on Monday 13th February 2023. The session was organised by Mrs Coleman and was a wonderful event. All our children showed huge resilience and determination. I was so proud of them and I hope you are all too! Please enjoy some of the photos below. 

Many thanks

Mr Dennis  

Internet Safety Day and Children's Mental Health Week

In February the children all celebrated and developed their knowledge on staying safe on the internet and how to support our own mental health. The school held assemblies led by the children and wore scarves in recognition of mental health. We focused on how we can connect with others to help ourselves! 

London Marathon 2023

Last week we were joined by Natasha Allcock, a former pupil of the school, who is now working in education herself. She is running the London Marathon later this year to raise money for the 'Make a Wish' charity who support children, who for a variety of reasons, deserve to have their wish come true. The children were inspired by Natasha and I know many of us will be helping her with her target. If you would like to support the link is contained below. 


Severn Trent Water January 2023

On Thursday 19th January 2023 we were joined by Rob Jansen from Severn Trent Water. He delivered a wonderful assembly detailing how we can keep ourselves healthy by drinking the right amount of water but also how we can support the planet by drinking tap water and using re-useable bottle! Massive thanks to Rob and the children who dressed up and took part in the assembly! 

Christmas 2022

Christmas is always a very special time of year in a primary school. This year we all looked forward to the return of the Christmas Church Service that was a wonderful event. We were welcomed into the church by our Christmas Glokenspielers, there were  fantastic readings from our Key Stage 2 children and also beautiful singing throughout the school. The event encapsulated our vision where our children are valued, able to grow and flourish in school! 

This was the culmination of the events for Christmas that also included a beautiful Reception and Key Stage 1 Nativity, a Christmas dinner and a Christmas party. We all enjoyed every single event but are all ready for our Christmas holidays! 

Parliament Week 2022

During November the school looked at Parliament Week and the power of democracy. Each class looked at an age appropriate element of democracy from having class votes in Key Stage 1 to writing letters to our MP in Key Stage 2. All the children in Year 5 and 6 wrote letters about their own particular areas of concern from keeping our streets litter free, to homelessness and also environmental issues. We are all looking forward to the replies from our MP. 

Anti Bullying Week 2022

The children in school all took part in Anti Bullying Week this week. We all looked at the meaning of 'Reaching Out' to others and looking at how we can recognise when someone is not happy and helping them with kindness. We explored this theme through a whole school assembly, class assemblies and also our PSHE lesson for the week. I think we all learnt a great deal! 

Children in Need 2022

All the children raised vital funds for Children in Need this year. We all came to school in our pyjamas and had a great deal of fun. The children looked amazing in their nightwear, with many wearing dressing gown and the occasional slippers! Thanks to everyone for the donations! 

Poppy Appeal 2022

The children and staff of Broadwas CE Primary School were fully behind the Poppy Appeal this year. The children in Year 5 and 6 learnt about the Second World War and it's significance on our lives today. The event culminated in a service at out local church where one of our House Captains laid a wreath on behalf of the school. 

Kidderminster Harriers Football Training 2022

This term children throughout the school have had some wonderful football training from Kidderminister Harriers. Becky delivered some imaginative and exciting sessions for all the children and they all came away learning some new core skills and having lots of fun! 

Bishopswood Stone Age Visit Year 3 and 4 2022

The children in Year 3 and 4 enjoyed a fantastic trip to Bishopswood where they explored the Stone Age. The children were able to build shelters, weave sticks, hunt for animals and look for food. They all had a wonderful time and displayed a fantastic knowledge of this period in history. 

Harvest Festival 2022

Finally, after 3 years we were able to celebrate Harvest in church. The children and staff developed and performed a wonderful service celebrating this special time of year. A big thanks go out to all the staff for developing an excellent service and most importantly the children, for displaying their confidence when speaking in front of an audience and their wonderful singing! 

Year 6 Leavers Service 2022

It was a privilege to be part of the Year 6 Leavers Service. The children were presented with the Records of Achievement, gifts from the school and the church and we also handed out the awards for all the different subjects from the curriculum. 

The children sang and spoke so confidently.  The children were all a great example of how we want our children to be when they are moving onto the next part of their education. A big thanks to Mrs Waller and Mrs Hughes for the hard work in developing the service and to Reverend Anne Potter for supporting our service. 

Year 5 and 6 Oliver Twist Production 2022

Wow, what an amazing production by the children and staff of Year 5 and 6. It was simply amazing to see the children act, sing and dance with such confidence and talent. I know all the parents and staff were incredibly proud of what you have achieved. How are we going to top this next year? A big thanks to Mrs Waller and all the team of Year 5 and 6 for an amazing amount of hard work in putting on a wonderful performance! 

Year 6 Residential 2022

The children in Year 6 had the first residential trip for 3 years. The children enjoyed a great three days at Malvern Outdoor Centre taking part in many different activities from bush craft, to zip wire and making their own beds! The children were amazing, resilient, resourceful, reciprocal and reflective in all they did. We were so proud of them during their trip! A big thanks to Mrs Hughes, Mrs Waller and Mr Dennis for all the hard work and lack of sleep over the three days! 

Sports Day 2022

This year we have been able to bring back Sports Day in its full capacity! It was wonderful to welcome all the parents to watch our event that spread over a whole morning. Thank fully we missed the worst of the hot weather and the children had a wonderful time taking part in both field and track events! All the children, parents and staff enjoyed the morning and we look forward to repeating the event each year. A big thanks to Mrs Benton and Mrs Hughes for all their hard work creating this event! 

Vision Art Project 2022

The children this week engaged in our school's art project in order to develop a pictorial representation of school's vision. The week was brilliant! We were supported by Ellen Yates who helped us develop a tremendous amount of different art skills and techniques. All the children have created a piece of art for our school and we look forward to displaying it for you all at the start of next term! A big thanks to Mrs Northover and Ellen Yates for all the hard work in bringing the project to life!  

Mosque School Visit 

Our children across the school enjoyed developing their understanding of the Islamic religion by visiting Worcester Central Mosque on Tallow Hill. The children learnt a great deal about the faith and came back to school brimming with knowledge. We look forward to welcoming the leaders of the mosque to our school in the future! 

Maths Challenge at RGS

We had a great time entering the RGS maths challenge this term. Four children from Year 6 took part and had an enjoyable morning testing their maths knowledge, solving some interesting, fun and difficult problem solving sessions. We enjoyed the day and especially when the head of maths was arrested for moving all the prizes! Once again, we are looking forward to taking part again next year! 



Cricket at Broadwas!

The children across the school have had a great time this term playing cricket with Worcestershire County Cricket Club. The team have joined us for an eight week programme delivering basic training for all the children. They have been fun and exciting sessions and this all culminated with a visit to the club to watch England Lions play South Africa. We even had a pupil lead the teams onto the pitch! Thanks to all the team for the hard work that has been put into the sessions and we look forward to working with Worcester again next year! 

Broadwas Jubilee Platinum Party 2022

On Friday 27th May 2022  the children and parents of the school joined together to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We were able to welcome all of the community an opportunity to have a 'Big Lunch' together in the school grounds. The food all looked fantastic! Many of the children took part in our Cake and Pudding competition and the House Captains (and Head teacher) enjoyed sampling all the cakes and deciding on the winners! Congratulations to all those who won! 

As a school we continued our support of the Queen's Green Canopy project and planted our own Royal Pear Tree in our refurbished Jubilee Garden. Many thanks to all the children, parents, staff and Governors for all your hard work in making this a very special event for the children and our school! 

All Stars and Dynamos Cricket 2022

Thanks to the team from the ECB for providing the children with a great session of cricket today. The team were in school to promote the All Stars and Dynamo Cricket sessions that will be taking place locally over the summer. The children all had a great time and I hope this has inspired some of them to take up cricket over the summer! 

FitFENCE 2022

We all had a wonderful day taking part in FitFENCE. I cannot believe the coach managed to get all 87 children to learn the basics of fencing and the children came away with a fantastic knowledge of the sport! We are now looking forward to a bit of Quidditch in September! 


Golden Trophy Football Tournament Bromyard Football Club 2022

In May we took the school's football team to Bromyard Football Club for their first tournament of the year. The children were incredible displaying all of our school values developing teamwork, friendship, sportsmanship and a wonderful work ethic. Combined with lots of skill the children ended the tournament with a 3 - 1 win and a huge amount of pride! Fantastic work guys! 

FA Girls Football 2022

The girls from Year 5 and 6 were treated to a FA coaching session in order to develop their football skills. Some of the girls were a little apprehensive to start with but due to the fantastic coaching from Ben they soon became full football experts! Thanks to Ben and well done to all the girls, great stuff!  

Egg Rolling 2022

We completed the term with our traditional egg rolling competition. The children all brought in hard boiled eggs from home (some were even decorated) and took part in a class competition. Congratulations to all of the winners who earnt themselves a very tasty chocolate egg each! What a great way to end the term! 

REAL PE Showcase Day 2022

In the final week of the term we all enjoyed a day of PE with the team from REAL PE. Carolyn helped us develop lots core skills and have a great deal of fun! We look forward to working with her again on Gymnastics in the new school year! 


I had the pleasure of taking our young scientists to RGS Worcester to help them enjoy a day of Science. The team of three enjoyed developing and designing their own bridges in order to span a small gap. The children worked hard and developed a great concept.  We were all very proud of the children, their behaviour and endeavour which displayed all of our school values, well done you guys! Also, a big thanks to all the parents who supported with the transport to and from the event! 

Tennis at Broadwas 2022

In March we were joined by the team from the LTA to deliver a tennis taster morning for all the children in school. Every class took part either in the hall or outside on the playground and developed their basic hand eye co-ordination or played mini games of tennis. The children loved the event and you never know, we may have found the next Wimbledon champion! 

Worcester Warriors Taster Day 2022

This week we have all had the chance to try our hand at rugby! We were joined by Caity from Worcester Warriors who took us all through our paces and helped us learn the basics of this great sport and have lots of fun on the way! We wish our coach Caity all the best with Scotland and the up and coming Women's Six Nations tournament! 

World Book Day 2022

On 3rd March 2022 we all took part in World Book Day. It was a fantastic opportunity to dress up and share in all the stories we love in school. We held a special 'Book Buddies' and the children also had opportunity to create their very own 'Potato Book Characters'. Congratulations to the winners of this competition who earnt themselves a fabulous book voucher! 

PTFA Break the Rules Day 

The children had a great time today raising money for our PTFA via Break the Rules Day. They could all choose a different clothes to wear and the amount of rules to break when wearing these clothes or different hair styles. We saw some amazing outfits and the PTFA raised over £140 towards the development of our school library. Well done and thank you everyone! 

Tree Planting for the Queen! 

On Thursday 17th February 2022 the children of Broadwas CE Primary School all went to Suckley Woods on a mission from the Queen. All 87 children went in three different groups to plant a tree for the Queen's Jubilee. With the help of Mr and Mrs Cartwright all the children were able to plant a traditional English tree. It was great  muddy fun and we all enjoyed ourselves. It was also wonderful to think that we have supported the 'Green Canopy' initiative already in this very special year for the royal family! 



Internet Safety Day! 

All of our all ICT Ambassadors supported the Internet Safety Day initiative of 2022 on Tuesday 8th February. The children were inspired by the 'All Fun and Games' focus and helped the children all over the school to learn to respect each other and be kind when online. The children started the day with an assembly for the whole school and then each class focused on the message within their own E-Safety lessons that week. Fantastic work on and all! 

Book Buddies 2022

As part of our initiative to develop reading at home and at school all the children and staff took part in the first Book Buddies of 2022. It was wonderful to welcome this event back to the school after 2 years of COVID restrictions. All the children were able to share a story with a child from another class and just enjoy reading and listening to great adventures of facts! We cannot wait to do it again! 

Building Learning Power 2022

All of our classes in school are working hard to earn their BLP points. The children are focused on developing their 4 R's! They are looking to be Resourceful, Resilient, Recipricol and Reflective. They know if they practise these they will all become better 'learners'. we also have lots of fun doing earning the points and winning the mascots of each of our Learning Powers! Keep it up everyone! 

Christmas at Broadwas 2021

This year we tried our very best to welcome in the festive season. Our 'little elf helpers' were able to decorate the whole school and provide a lovely Christmas tree in the school hall! On Wednesday 15th December all the children made a Christmas hat, took part in a Christmas party and had a delicious Christmas dinner provided by the Royal Oak at Broadwas. We even had a special message from Santa himself! What  a great way to end the term!

PTFA Christmas Fayre 2021

In December we were able to take part in the PTFA's first Christmas Fayre. Even though the event took place on a crisp and bright December day the wind did at times prove quite a challenge! Thanks to the amazing team we were able to raise over £1,000 towards the schools new library resources. Thanks to all of the PTFA team and all of our parents, staff and governors who supported the event! 

Goodbye to Reverend Sherwin

In November we said a goodbye to Reverend Sherwin. The whole school took part in a special service for him where we all shared our memories of our time in school with a very special person. We presented him with a gift from the school and a video of thanks! All the best in your retirement Reverend Sherwin from everyone at Broadwas CE Primary School! 

Remembrance Day 2021

This year we marked the 11th November by having a 2 minutes silence in each of the classrooms. Staff and children from the school also took part in the Remembrance Day service at the local church where one of our House Captains read a poem on behalf of the school. 

Anti-Bullying Week 2021

The children this year enjoyed taking part in Anti Bullying Week. We learnt about the importance of using 'One Kind Word' and making sure we look after each other. The children started the week with 'Odd Socks Day' to show how we are all unique in our own way! 


Bags 4 School

With the help of the PTFA the school have made over £500 through our Bags 4 School appeal. A massive thanks to Kendale and the PTFA team and also to the children in Year 5 and 6 for their huge help in moving the enormous amount of bags we had! Well done team Broadwas! 

Children in Need 2021

This year the children really enjoyed dressing up for Children in Need. They all came to school in fancy dress or in their own clothes and we managed to raise over £87 for the charity! We even met Pudsey over Zoom, well done everyone! 

Parliament Week 2021

This term we all took part in Parliament Week 2021. In all classes the children learnt about democracy and how to take part in a vote. The children really enjoyed it and are looking for more opportunities to share their ideas in the future! 

Girls 7 a side Football Tournament 2021

This term we took part in a girls 7 a side football tournament at The Chantry Secondary School. It was a wonderful event and our first since the start of COVID. The team took shape very quickly and produced a wonderful team effort. The girls played very well and came second in the tournament! Well done everyone! 

Harvest 2021

Unfortunately, due to COVID measures, we were unable to do our usual Harvest festival at the church. We continued to celebrate a very special time for the children and collected a great deal of donations for the Worcester Foodbank charity. Thank you to all the families who have donated, you have made a real difference to the lives of many people in Worcester! 

A huge well done to Reception and Key Stage 1 who created a beautiful Harvest loaf! It looked and tasted wonderful! 

#HelloYellow 2021

Once again school marked World Mental Health Day 2021 in conjunction with the #HelloYellow charity. We all came to school in yellow clothes and looked at activities that can boost our mental health. It was a great day, we all had some great fun but learnt how important it is to manage your mental health as well as your physical health! 

European Day of Languages 2021

On Monday 28th September 2021 we celebrated European Day of Languages throughout the school. All the children came dressed in the colours of their classes flag and the children investigated the languages, geography, culture and food of their chosen area of Europe. I cannot believe how quickly children picked up speaking Greek, Welsh, Spanish and French and I know they all enjoyed the taste testing! Well done Broadwas! 

MacMillian Cake Sale 2021

On Friday 24th September 2021 the children and staff all joined forces to raise money for MacMillian Cancer Support. The staff and children baked or bought cakes for a huge cake sale at the end of the day. It was a popular treat on a Friday and has so far raised over £180 for the charity. Thank you so much everyone for your baking, your donations and your kindness! 

Assemblies with Reverend Sherwin! 

This week we welcomed back Reverend Sherwin to school! It has been so long since we had seen him in the hall but it was a pleasure to welcome him back to our assemblies. He taught us a great deal about Love and Joy and we cannot wait till he is back with us again! Thank you Reverend Sherwin! 

Broadwas Climate Heroes! 

Here at Broadwas we love to look after our environment. We are so proud of the children in Class 1 / 2 for 2020-21 who have received their Blue Peter Climate Hero certificate and their Green badges as well! Great work everyone! 

We are also very thankful to Mr and Mrs Cartwright who over the summer helped restore our pond to good health, thank you! 

Broadwas CE Primary School 2021-22

Welcome to our new school page celebrating all the whole school events we have here at Broadwas CE Primary School. we are looking forward to a more 'normal' year and enjoying a lot more whole school events! 

Sports Day 2021

On Friday 16th July 2021 all the children in the school took part in a Sports Day. We all worked in our class bubbles and enjoyed team sports and individual races. The children loved catching, jumping, hurdles, football and many other sports before we all took part in an egg and spoon race and a sprint. A big thanks to Mrs Watson for organising and running the event and we cannot wait to invite yo all back next year to see all the children in action! 

Break the Rules Day 2021

The children have all enjoyed a non-school uniform day with a twist. They were allowed a selection of rules to break for the day. The children came to school in sports kits, princess dresses or simply their favourite clothes from home. We also had a great deal of painted nails, hair bows and the odd sweets being eaten in school (and that was just the teachers). All the money raised will go towards our newly formed PTFA. A big thanks to Mrs Everett, Mr Smith and the rest of the PTFA for a fantastic event and a great first term! 

World Book Day Sponsored Read

A massive thanks to all the pupils and parents who joined in with our Reading Challenge earlier in the year. We are now waiting to receive the books that we have earnt. I am pleased to share the first snapshot of the books below just before they are packaged up and sent to us!

Thank you to all that have helped us raise the money to develop our library and the librarians cannot wait to get these books on our shelves and in the children's hands! 

Forest School Summer 2021

This term, due to the relaxing of the restrictions on trips, we have been enjoying our visits to Suckley Woods and starting our Forest School adventures again. All the children in the school have taken part in the trips this term as part of our Wellbeing support for the children after Lockdown. 

The children have all had a fantastic time! They have made dens, teacher traps and loved eating s'mores! We are looking forward to more trips next year and continuing our adventures! 


History Man 2021

As part of our Recovery Curriculum we were pleased to welcome to school 'The History Man'. It was fantastic to see the children engage in some wonderful topics ranging from The Tudors to World War 2. The children were able to handle artefacts and enjoy role playing events and games from the historical period. Priceless learning and precious memories have been made!

Race for Life 2021

On June 18th 2021 the children at Broadwas CE Primary School all joined in with the fantastic charity event 'Race for Life'. We all came to school in our sports kits and took part in a running challenge around Berryfields Playing Fields. The children worked so hard that they made in excess of £1,200 for the charity, an amazing achievement from our small community! 

A big thanks go to all the staff, children and parents. We look forward to working with the charity again next year! 

Swimming in Year 5 and 6

Now that COVID restrictions are starting to change the children in Year 5 and 6 have begun their swimming lessons once more. They are loving going back to the pool and are making great progress in their skills development! Well done all! 

Earth Day 2021

The children in school had a wonderful day during our first ever Earth Day. This event was organised by two children from Year 5 who believed we should be raising awareness about the impact we are all having on our environment. All the children came wearing a piece of green clothing. By doing this the children donated money towards the 'Earth Day' charity and to World Wildlife Fund. 

As a school the children looked at climate action, animal conservation and how we can control plastic pollution. We also had a class join in with the Blue Peter 'Climate Hero' challenge. Everyone in the class worked on a pledge and earnt themselves a Blue Peter badge each! 

We all loved the day and are looking forward to having it as a regular event on our school calendar! 

Easter at Broadwas

The children loved taking part in our Easter celebrations. We all enjoyed egg rolling in the playground and many children took part in an egg painting competition. There were some fantastic entries with the children displaying some amazing creative talent! 

We were also lucky enough to be joined by Donk the donkey. A special thanks to Mr and Mrs Parkes for brining Donk to school and helping us mark our Easter celebrations. 

A big congratulations to the winners of our Easter raffle. We hope you enjoy all the prizes and a big thanks to everyone for raising over £170 for our school library development! 

Comic Relief 2021

The children in school had a fantastic time on Friday 19th March 2021 when we all shared Comic Relief together. We all dressed up in red or as superheroes and we all enjoyed sharing a smile! The children brought in jokes to share and so far the school has raised over £150 for Comic Relief. Well done to everyone! 

World Book Day 2021

The children and staff at Broadwas enjoyed celebrating World Book Day both at home and at school. We looked at many different authors and at all the different types of texts that were offered through the World Book Day initiative. All the classes had a special 'World Book Day Google Meets' and shared the books they were reading at the time. 

We also launched a very special 'Ready, Steady Read' sponsored reading challenge. The school raised just over a £1000 to invest in our school library, a fantastic total! Thank you to all the children and parents who took part! 

A big thank you! 

A quick thank you from all the staff for the kind messages, cake, chocolates and medals that have supported us over the last few weeks. It has made such a difference to us all and we wanted to let you know we really appreciate it! Have a great half term and we will see you all soon! 

Kind regards

Mr Dennis 


Chinese New Year 2021

This week in school we have all enjoyed looking into the Chinese New Year. This year it is the Year of the Ox and the children in Reception and Year 1 and 2 have made some beautiful Chinese lanterns with the face of an Ox! All the staff would like to wish all of our families who are celebrating Chinese New Year an wonderful time. The children in school have made a video to share with you all. The link for this is included below! 


Mr Dennis

Internet Safety Week 2021

This week the children have been looking into the topic of online safety. We have explored the theme of  'An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world'. The children have carried out activities on Google Classroom and within school. We have also been lucky enough to have the support of our 'Agents of Technology' who have done a brilliant job of designing posters and videos to support the children. You can see all of this work by following the link below! Well done everyone! 



Children's Mental Health Week February 2021

During the first week of school in February we all took part in 'Children's Mental Health Week' organised by Place2Be. The children, both remotely and within school, took part in a virtual assembly and explored mental health during their PSHE sessions. We also launched our first 'Google Catch Up Meets' where the children joined their teachers online to share what they had been doing during the week. We were so happy with the meetings that we are going to carry on holding them once a week. 

All the children on Friday wore a brightly coloured top to school (or online in their Google Meets) in order to express how unique we all are! We had a great time and are looking forward to repeating supporting this event again next year! 

Playground Project 2021

We are proud to reveal our new playground for 2021. We have been working hard behind the scenes in school on developing a new playground design for all the children to enjoy. This week the team from UniPlay have removed all the old markings and replaced them with a new fresh design. Alongside our new playground equipment, our new climbing frame and PE shed we have changed the face of the outside of our school,. We hope the children enjoy many years of fun of fitness with our new resources. 

Hearts for Homes 2020

Throughout the school children created hearts with messages of love and support for the elderly in our local community. These items were delivered to the homes within the area to bring a little festive cheer to the residents. The children in school loved making them and from the photos we can see they made a real difference to the lives of others within the local area. Well done everyone! 

A Christmas visit to Church

This year we have been unable to visit the church for our normal service but we have been lucky enough to take part in creating a Nativity tableaux. A big thanks to Mrs Way for all her hardwork and the children in Reception and Key Stage 1 for creating the schools entry to the tableaux. During the final week of term all the classes got to visit the tableaux in there class bubbles and enjoy the Nativity story in our beautiful local church!  

Christmas at Broadwas 2020

We had a wonderful Christmas here at Broadwas CofE Primary School. It was a little different than usual but we enjoyed it all the same! We had a visit by Santa on his 'Harley Davidson' for Reception and Key Stage 1 children and a virtual visit for the children in Key Stage 2. All the children had a party afternoon where we all enjoyed party games, party food and a present from Santa! 

All the children in Reception and Key Stage 1 performed a wonderful Nativity called 'Prickly Hay'. We loved sharing this via Google Classroom and hope next year we can perform our Nativity to an actual audience. Key Stage 2 children took part in the Seven Arts Winter festival and recorded two carols. They were beautifully sung and we were so proud to see the performance during the online festival. 

Operation Christmas Child 2020

A big thank you to all the children and parents who helped us with our Operation Christmas Child campaign this term. We had some fantastic shoe boxes this year and I know they will make Christmas very special for many children who are not as fortunate as us. Thank you! 

Our new friends! 

This term we have been joined by two new friends, Tom and Jerry. Our new guinea pigs have been kindly donated to school by the Waller family and they have taken to their new home in Reception very well. A big thanks to Mr and Mrs Waller and Ollie for the donation and we hope to have our new friends in school for many years to come! 

Remembrance 2020

At school this year we have focused on the poppy as a symbol of Remembrance. The children in each class took the poppy and created art work based on the theme. Some beautiful work was created and I hope you enjoy the images below. Each class took part in a two minutes silence in school and Mr Dennis represented the school in the village Remembrance service. Once again, thank you for your contributions to the Poppy Appeal this year. 

Odd Socks Day and Anti Bullying Week 2020

During November we took part in this years Anti Bullying Week. During the week we explored the topic with assemblies and special activities during PSHE sessions. The children also took part in 'Odd Socks' day where we all wore different socks in recognition of the fact that we are all unique in our own way! 


School Librarians 2020

This term we have appointed our new School Librarians. They are very keen to get started and have done a great job organising the books. They cannot wait to get started and help all the children in the school borrow a variety of great books and expand the range of texts we have in the school. 


This October 2020 we all took part in Hello Yellow to support young peoples mental health on World Mental Health Day. The children all came to school in yellow and took part in some special activities to raise awareness of Mental Health. We also had a small visit from some new puppies that helped everyone's spirits in school. A big thanks to Emily Dimmick for arranging the visit! 


European Day of Languages 2020

We started the term by celebrating European Day of Languages 2020. All the classes chose their own European country to research and investigate. We then came to school in the colours of the country and enjoyed exploring their food, geography, language and culture. We loved the day and learnt a great deal about our European neighbours! 

Playground Climbing Frame 2020

Over the Summer holidays we have had the installation of our new climbing frame in school. The team worked hard on the installation over three days and have completed a terrific job. I know the children will love the apparatus when they return! Can I pass on our thanks to Knightwick and Doddenham Parish Council for their kind donation to the project. 
