
Broadwas C of E Primary SchoolLiving Our Values Every Day

Week beginning 13th July 2020

Welcome to the last week of the academic year! Thank you for sharing all of your 'Animal Kingdom' creations this term as well as your fantastic Maths and English work. Our final topic focus is 'Mythical Creatures'.


Below you will find English and Maths as well as Topic and PE ideas. There are no spelling lists this week. As this is the last week, we want you to have fun! You will notice that the lessons are less structured. Please continue to share your work via  or



Good morning! Today you need to solve 'The Obstacle Course Catastrophe' using your knowledge of SPaG. Read each clue carefully to crack the case! You also have a short Online Safety task.  Afterwards, complete an activity of your choosing from the Summer Booklet below or play a game from School Games Powerpoint or link list. 


Good morning!  Today you need to solve the 'Mystery of the Burgled Bangers'! Read the instructions then use your mathematical skills to solve each clue. Afterwards, you can choose another task from the Summer Booklet or play a game from School Games Powerpoint or link list. 


Good morning! Today you are going to solve the 'Famous Characters' Wordsearch. Can you find the hidden message? Afterwards, you can select a task from your Summer Booklet or play a game from School Games Powerpoint or link list. 


Good morning! Today you will solve your final mystery of the academic year! Can you solve 'The Mystery of the Brilliant Breakfast' using your mathematical knowledge? Read each clue and question carefully! Then you can select a task from your Summer Booklet or play a game from School Games Powerpoint or link list. 


It's the last day of school! Well done for all of the hard work you have done this year. We are so proud of each and every one of you! Below you will find colour-by-numbers Multiplication Mosaics. Solve the sums to reveal the picture. Then you can complete your Summer Booklet or play a game from School Games Powerpoint or link list. To end the term, watch episode 12 of iSingPop! 
